The Club shall be known as the Shaftesbury Bridge Club.
The purpose of the club is for the promotion and enjoyment of contract bridge.
Membership shall be open to all reasonably competent bridge players over the age of sixteen. The Committee may limit membership to fit the accommodation. In the event of a vacancy the Committee shall decide by a vote of a majority who shall be invited to join, having taken into account their ability and suitability as a member.
The club shall be affiliated to the Dorset Contract Bridge Association.
The year shall start on 1st September and subscriptions are due on that date.
Any person who has not paid their subscription by the AGM (Annual General Meeting) is prohibited from voting and if their subscription remains unpaid seven days after the AGM they shall forfeit their membership.
The annual subscription and table charges shall be determined by the committee.
The financial year of the club shall close on 31st August and a Statement of Accounts shall be prepared in time for submission at the AGM.
The club shall be governed by a committee comprising four officers and three members, all to be elected or re-elected at the AGM. Should two offices be combined, an extra member shall be elected to maintain the Committee membership at seven. At least one Director shall be a member of the Committee. The officers of the club shall be as shown below.
The Committee shall meet under the chairmanship of the Hon. Chairman at such times and places as it may decide. Notice of everything shall be circulated to all committee members at least seven days before the date fixed for the meeting. A quorum shall consist of four members, two of whom are officers of the club. In the absence of the Hon. Chairman a temporary Committee Chairman shall be elected from those present.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt any person to fill a vacancy or for special purposes. Any vacancy amongst the officers of the Club may be filled by the Committee until the next AGM.
The Committee shall be empowered to constitute any sub-committee deemed necessary.
The Committee shall appoint a delegate to the Dorset CBA Management Committee.
The AGM shall be held during October. Oral notice of the date shall be given at a Monday meeting at least five weeks in advance.
The ordinary business of the AGM shall be:
To receive the reports of the officers of the Club, together with the Accounts for the past year.
To elect or re-elect members of the Committee and the Officers for the coming year. Should there be more than one candidate for an Office, or more nominations than vacancies for Committee membership, a ballot will be held.
To consider any resolutions or motions that has been duly submitted in accordance with clause 9(b).
An Emergency General Meeting shall be convened following the receipt of a written request, signed by no fewer than ten members, stating the purpose for which the meeting is to be called. The Hon. Secretary shall then, within eight days, issue notices to the membership of the resolution/s and date fixed for the meeting, which shall be a minimum of six days thereafter.
Voting rights at a General Meeting shall be restricted to members present. Voting shall be by a show of hands unless a ballot is directed by the Hon. Chairman or demanded by no fewer than ten (10) members present. Should there be equality of the votes cast; the Chairman will have a second casting vote.
Notice of the AGM and Agenda, together with a copy of the Accounts shall be made available to all members at least 21 days prior to the date fixed for the meeting.
Nominations for the Committee, duly proposed and seconded, must be given in writing to the Hon. Secretary at least 21 days before the date of the AGM.
Any member may make such a nomination but the consent of the nominee must be obtained.
Any member may submit a resolution of motion at the AGM provided that it is duly proposed and seconded and given in writing to the Hon. Secretary at least 28 days before the date of the AGM.
Any member may bring a guest to a Monday meeting provided that:
The numbers at the meeting do not exceed any limit that has been set on club membership
The guest has not already attended a maximum of six (6) Monday meetings in the current club year. On other nights non-members may attend at the discretion of the Committee.
The Committee shall have the power to expel any member who, in the opinion of the majority of the Committee, causes disruption of the activities of the club.
Competitions shall be run by the Hon. Competitions Secretary but all expenses of such competitions shall in principle be paid by participating members.
If the club ceases to exist, all its assets shall be handed over to the Dorset CBA to be used as they desire.
No alteration shall be made to this Constitution except at a General Meeting by a resolution carried by at least two thirds of votes cast at the meeting. Any proposed amendment must be given in writing to the Hon Secretary in accordance with clauses 8 (b) or 9 (b) so that it is circulated with the notice of the meeting.